Grief Support Groups

Our bereavement support groups are offered at no charge and are open to all grieving adults, whether or not your significant person received care from Hospice of Southern Maine.

Our support groups offer a safe space to share feelings and experiences relating to loss and grief. Groups can accommodate up to 12 people and run for 68 weeks.

We do recommend that individuals wait 23 months after the loss of a significant person to join a group. If you would like bereavement support sooner, please contact us to schedule an individual support session or join an upcoming Grief 101 group session.

Grief 101: Education and Support for the Newly Bereaved

March 13, 2025
1:00 PM3:00 PM
HSM Office, 390 US Route One, Scarborough, ME 04074
Facilitated by Kelly Blanchette

Are you newly bereaved? Are you wondering if what you’re feeling is normal or ok? Join us for a session to learn about grief and talk with others experiencing similar situations. Our typical groups are designed for those at least 2-3 months out from their loss, so this is an opportunity to learn a little bit more about grief and connect with others in the meantime.

To register or questions, please contact:
Kelly Blanchette, Bereavement Services Manager

General Bereavement Support Group

April 9
May 14 (in person)
11:00 AM–12:30 PM
HSM Office, 390 US Route One, Scarborough, ME 04074
Facilitated Kelly Blanchette, Bereavement Services Manager
To register or questions, please contact: or 207-289-3674

Expressive Arts Group

May 1, 2025
5:00 PM7:00 PM
HSM Office, 390 US Route One, Scarborough, ME 04074
Facilitated by Cassidy Smith, Bereavement Intern

Art can be a powerful method to process grief. In this workshop we will use various art modalities to explore and engage with our grief. The art making and creative process will be accompanied by time to reflect, process, and discuss the various emotions and experiences that come with grief. This group will also provide opportunity for connection and support, similar to the support that takes place in a typical grief support group. This group is meant to be a safe space for creativity and processing - no prior art experience is necessary. 

To register or questions, please contact:
Cassidy Smith, Bereavement Intern

After the Death of a Parent: Bereavement Support Group for Younger Adults

May 8July 12, 2025
4:30 PM6:00 PM
HSM Office, 390 US Route One, Scarborough, ME 04074

This group is open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 who has experienced the death of a parent. This group will be a safe space to share your grief with others who are on a similar journey, to be supported, and to learn from each other and an experienced support group facilitator.

To register or questions, please contact:
Taylor Watts‑Hall, Bereavement Support Counselor